Reset Windows 10 offline user password

If you forgot your Windows 10 Offline user password you can reset the password by using a windows 10 installation USB stick and some simple hacks.

Good to know is that all the users encrypted saved passwords being reseted so you going to be needed to login again on all applications.

Start with setup a Windows 10 installation USB-memorystick so you can boot on it.

Boot on the USB and when the first prompt for the Windows installation shows, where you select langauge and keyboard layout and time and currcency format press SHIFT + F10 to open a command prompt.

Now we need to replace utilman.exe with cmd.exe, before you do this, you should make acopy of utilman.exe so that you can restore it later. Note that you can only restore this file if you boot again from the Windows DVD. Windows 10 is usually installed on drive D: if you boot from a DVD. You can verify this with “dir d:\windows\system32\utilman.exe.” If the system can’t find utilman.exe, try other drive letters.

move d:\windows\system32\utilman.exe d:\windows\system32\utilman.exe.bak
copy d:\windows\system32\cmd.exe d:\windows\system32\utilman.exe
After you replaced utilman.exe successfully, you can restart your computer by type:
wpeutil reboot
When you get to the Windows 10 sign in page, click the Utility Manager icon and the Commpand Prompt opens.
You can now add reset your account password with the below command:
net user <username> <password>
After run the above command you can now close the command prompt and login on your account with the new password.
Notice that resetting a password with this command doesn’t work with a Microsoft account. The only way to reset a Microsoft account password is through the online forms.